She invited me over last Friday and we went for a hike in the morning. We had an awesome day together. Went to the garden center and bought plants, had a beer, even had to take a nap.
It has been a great trend of her inviting me over. Eventually things get physical. Which feels great to have that type of closeness.
She invites me over and is stand offish and even ignorant of me. She wants me to stay, but she wants to spend that time on her phone and not talking to me.
Honestly, I am fine putting up with it. I made her wait around for my affection for so long and was so casual with her desire for me. Now that I see what I actually feel it is being used against me.
We will stay up late and she will drink too much without ever paying too much attention to me. Then, we go to bed, she just switches over to sex mode. No warm up. No indication that she is interested. It just starts.
And I love getting to be this close to her.
It is hard to tell whether or not it is me she is trying to get close to.